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By Mona | 11 August 2022 | 0 Comments

10 experiences of fruitful harvest in orchards

1.the current year leaf next year fertilizer

Once the fruit tree flowering and fruit, can produce high quality fruit, can obtain high yield, and the year of leaf protection has a significant relationship. Fruit tree nutrient accumulation in the previous year, after flowering, long leaves, new hair, to late May to early June basic consumption, the fruit tree into the nutrient conversion period. The so-called nutrient conversion period, that is, from the use of the previous year's stored nutrients to the use of the current year's nutrients. Current year nutrition from the photosynthesis of the leaves, therefore, to protect the leaves in order to protect the normal development of the fruit.

This year's application of adequate, good fertilizer, is the basis for the next year to obtain a good yield. early June flower buds began to differentiate, need sufficient nutrient supply, therefore, June fertilizer is very necessary. However, in comparison, the autumn application of fertilizer is more critical. After autumn, the fruit tree leaf synthesis function reaches its peak, the earlier the application of fertilizer, the more inorganic nutrients through photosynthesis into organic nutrients, supply fruit expansion and bud differentiation. So the formation of small and large year phenomenon, is the big year when the fruit trees consume too much and not enough fertilizer application, resulting in the formation of flower buds difficult, the next year no yield.

Thus, it seems that in the autumn fruit tree management, protect the leaves and early application of fertilizer, is the guarantee of a good yield, but also the basis for the next year's yield.


2.root pruning can enhance tree potential

The root pruning mentioned here is not a direct pruning of the root system, but refers to the application of fertilizer to cut off part of the root system, to play a pruning role.

People always rely on tree pruning to regulate tree potential, in fact, the appropriate root pruning can also play a role in enhancing the tree potential, especially for old and weak trees, pay more attention to the root pruning. Fruit tree root pruning in the right time, the right amount, can be restored in the short term or even more than the original amount of root growth. Due to the formation of a large number of new absorption roots, can greatly improve the vitality of the entire root system.

The broken roots caused by autumn fertilization are conducive to new root regeneration because the ground temperature is still high. Part of the root system was damaged, will not affect the whole tree, but can inhibit the growth of autumn tips. If the above-ground leaves are intact, there is enough photosynthetic products transported to the roots, it can provide sufficient nutrient supply for the recovery of injured roots and the occurrence of new roots, so that the vitality of the root system is rapidly restored and the absorption capacity of mineral nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus is enhanced.

The root system has a storage function, a large number of new roots, can improve the tree's nutrient storage "reservoir capacity", but do not advocate the spring fertilization root break. Because the spring break the roots, the root system storage of nutrients will be wasted. water does not grow trees, no light does not bear fruit

The right amount of water supply is essential to maintain the life of the tree and obtain the yield and benefits. The so-called appropriate amount is to adapt to the physiological development of the fruit tree habits, the watering on watering, the water control on water control. As most apple production areas have the problem of insufficient water resources, it is difficult to achieve the right amount of watering, therefore, once the opportunity of watering is seized, farmers are accustomed to flooding, expecting a full, thorough watering. This practice is wrong. Overwatering during the growing season is one of the main reasons for the vigorous growth of branches.

Solve the light conditions conducive to high and stable yield of this truth, over the years has been the fruit farmers pay attention to, one of the important purpose of the reform is to solve the problem of light. In the understanding of light, there is an important "two or eight law", that is, fertilization and watering inputs only account for 20% of the contribution of the fruit tree, 80% of the contribution from photosynthesis.

Do not solve the problem of light, it is the same as not spending money on natural resources wasted.


4.fruit trees are not fertilized, equal to blind muddle

Insufficient investment is one of the important reasons for the current constraints on the efficiency of the orchard. Insufficient investment is highlighted by the serious lack of fertilizer inputs. Mineral nutrients in the soil are absorbed by the fruit tree, a large part of the transformation, the presence of the fruit, which is equivalent to taking away the mineral nutrients in the soil. Therefore, the doctrine of nutrient restitution holds that what is taken away from the soil should be replenished, and how much is taken away should be replenished. In this sense, insufficient application of fertilizer, the soil will become more and more barren, the fruit tree output capacity is getting lower and lower. Numerous facts prove that all the years of high yield, stable yield of the orchard, none of them are not attention to fertilizer inputs.

Most fruit farmers are "see fruit fertilization", that is, the fertilizer input in the big year, the small year fertilizer input less or even no fertilizer, so that the fruit trees "hungry meal full meal", often resulting in tree weakness, a variety of serious disease consequences. Through reasonable fertilization and reasonable load, and gradually adjust to eliminate the phenomenon of small and large year results, is the main task of the current fruit tree management.

In the fertilization, especially to focus on the fall fertilization. If necessary, in addition to soil fertilization, but also with dry coating, leaf spray and other ways to supplement.


5.the leaves depend on the root long, the roots depend on the leaves to feed

The root system of fruit trees and leaves are closely related, the leaves on the small leaves, yellow leaves, scorched leaves, fallen leaves and many other diseases can find the root cause from the root system. For example, root rot, in the leaves show symptoms of edge scorch, is certainly the underground root system out of the problem. Therefore, the most fundamental way to deal with foliage diseases or to provide a good growth and development environment for the root system.

The root system grows strong, the ability to absorb nutrients is strong, the leaf disease can occur less or not. To provide a good growth and development environment for the root system, the essence is to solve the problem of soil physical and chemical properties, reasonable fertilization is the most direct means to solve the physical and chemical properties of the soil.

Therefore, in the orchard fertilization advocates the combination of organic, inorganic, biological bacteria, trace elements, a single fertilization method relying on large chemical fertilizers last longer, the more serious the damage to the orchard soil, while increasing the input of organic fertilizers, increase the use of biological fertilizers, is the direction of development of orchard fertilization.

Root system development needs to consume nutrients, nutrients mainly from the photosynthesis of leaves. In the various types of branches of fruit trees, long branches and roots of the two levels of exchange capacity is the strongest, long branches on the leaves of photosynthetic products on the root system of the largest contribution. Once the fruit tree does not send long branches, the root system will be stunted, and the tree will be weakened.

Therefore, maintain the tree has about 10% of the long strip is necessary, a little long strip does not venture, is never good.


6.less water to death, more water disease

Some people say "fruit, fruit, fruit trees should be watered more." This statement is one-sided.

The water around the root system, is the carrier of fertilizer, no water, fertilizer can not be absorbed; tree water, is the necessary material for the construction of organs, no water, there is no tree life; transpired by the leaves of water, in the high temperature season took away the heat of the tree body, is to maintain the normal physiological function of the tree "regulator". In these senses, less water will indeed be the life of the fruit tree. But more water is never a good thing. Water and air are two essential elements of root life, while the two are a pair of "enemies", more water in the soil, air is bound to reduce the seriousness of the tree will lead to death. Watering too much water, but also increase the humidity of the orchard, too much humidity, easy to breed a variety of diseases.

In the orchard watering, in addition to the winter freeze water needs the whole garden diffuse irrigation, the other seasons should be moderately shallow water, interlinear watering can be, between the rows of only one-third can also be watered.

In fact, many people watering throughout the year is a lot of water, and even think that the more watering the better, this practice is a waste of financial resources, manpower, but also easy to make the fruit tree disease, should be corrected.


7.water and fertilizer is the basis, the drug is to protect, pruning is coordinated

Water, fertilizer is a necessary element to supply the growth and development of the tree. No matter what time of year, you can not let the tree off fertilizer, dehydration. In the application of fertilizer, first of all, to ensure that the amount of autumn base fertilizer is sufficient, followed by the growing season according to the fruit tree and fruiting situation, to supplement. Generally speaking, before germination and spring stopping period root system into the peak of activity, should give the root system to supplement fertilization, but does not advocate a large number of broken roots, to ground spreading or flushing, other times to leaf spray and other root supplement fertilizer. In terms of watering, except for winter irrigation, the whole garden can be watered, but in other seasons, inter-row watering is appropriate.

The purpose of drugging is to control pests and diseases. In addition to choosing the right agent, the timing of spraying, the amount of medicine and the method of spraying are crucial. Generally speaking, diseases should be prevented in advance and used before the onset of disease, while insect pests should wait until a certain density of insects is reached before using drugs. Whether or not there are insects, the pesticide is added to the treatment of insects, often resulting in waste.

Prevention and treatment of pests and diseases, the amount of water must be sufficient, fogging to be good, only then, to ensure that the leaves are fully and evenly drugged. When spraying, the focus should be on the back of the leaf, because the back of the leaf stomata dense, can be well absorbed by the liquid. The cuticle of the leaf surface is not conducive to the absorption of the drug, many people play the drug to the leaf surface clattering water, and the leaf back or dry, such a spraying effect is the worst.

The main purpose of pruning is to regulate light and regulate nutrient distribution. In the fruit tree pruning, to focus on the four seasons pruning. Practice has proved that the city of Yuncheng Green Association to promote the "two tone a control" technology system, is a good growing season control measures. Serious implementation of this technical system of the orchard, winter pruning task is light. That only pay attention to winter pruning does not pay attention to the four seasons pruning error practice, must be corrected.


8.fertilization without irrigation, fruit trees pouting

Fertilization, watering is the orchard's two main technical measures, but also the two main aspects of the physiological needs of fruit trees. Fertilization and watering is an inseparable relationship. After fertilizer is applied to the soil, the nutrients are not directly absorbed and used by the fruit tree. The mineral nutrients must be converted into ionic state with the participation of water in order to be captured by the root system of the fruit tree, and then transferred to the tree with the help of transpiration pull and root pressure and other power. Fertilization without watering is only equivalent to transferring the fertilizer to a place of storage, which can not play its fertilizing effect, which is the principle of "fertilization without watering, fruit trees pouting". 

After fertilization, the soil moisture is good and can dissolve the fertilizer, you can not water or shallow watering. When it is too dry, watering in time after fertilization, fertilizer can be used quickly. 

In production, most people treat fertilization and watering as two unrelated measures, and the phenomenon of watering "empty water" is more common. Advanced orchard management approach, is the implementation of "water and fertilizer integration". In foreign countries, most orchards are first formulated into a nutrient solution, watering at the same time also realized the fertilization. Scientific experiments have shown that excessive watering or just watering empty water, easy to cause the tree vigorous growth, the ability to reduce the fruit, is not conducive to the cultivation of moderate and robust tree. At present, the lack of soil fertility is one of the main problems of orchard management in China. 

Therefore, every time you water, add a certain amount of fertilizer, the effect will be ideal. the water way branches and leaves, open the light way flowers and fruits fragrant

To grow trees, we need more water, to fruit, we need sufficient light.

More water, the branches and leaves are lush, which is a direct performance in production practice. In the less precipitation, watering conditions are not convenient fruit area, the tree branching volume is smaller. For example, in Shanxi's Jixian, Gansu's Jingning, Tianshui and other places, even if the long branch Fuji, full tree bubble strip phenomenon is less. Therefore, in these places, the trees are generally more "obedient", between the plant, between the rows of the cross phenomenon is relatively light.

For example, the fruit area who watered diligently, watering more, the inevitable growth of branches and leaves, the phenomenon of vigorous growth of branches serious. Understand the reason for more water branches, we should learn to scientific watering. Young tree stage, big fertilizer and water can be as soon as possible, more branches, for the construction of more fruit parts to lay a good foundation; in the fruit tree into the fruiting period, especially in the case of tree transformation to branch large amount, we should control watering, otherwise, it will intensify the nutrient growth, the bud differentiation and nutrient accumulation is not conducive.

Therefore, the fruit orchard into the fruiting season, the growing season to promote the orchard grass storage water, minimize the number of watering, even if you must water, but also shallow watering or ditch irrigation, interlinear watering. Only the freezing water advocates the whole garden diffusion. 

The yield potential of the orchard depends on the photosynthetic capacity of the fruit trees. Effective photosynthetic area is large, strong trees, photosynthetic capacity, photosynthetic product accumulation, consumption of less, for fruit production, is the basis of high yield and quality orchards. 

It is estimated that the maximum yield potential of apple orchards can reach 7000 kg to 8000 kg per mu, but why most orchards, not to mention reaching such extreme indicators, is to reach 7,000 to 8,000 kg per mu are very difficult? One of the most important reasons is that there is not enough light. At the same time, light is also an important factor to improve the quality of the fruit. 

Fruit growth after May and the quality of the leaves and light intensity, because the more carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis the faster the fruit growth, fruit coloring is also very good, the higher the rate of quality fruit. Therefore, the orchard branch and leaf coverage can not exceed 80%, must reach all parts of uniform light, both up and down light, both direct light and scattered light, to reach the branch branch light, fruit fruit light, in order to ensure high quality and high yield.


10.small trees with more branches is a treasure, large trees with more branches less fruit 

Apple trees from seedlings planted to the early stage of fruit before the young tree period. The young apple tree should be vigorous, and the new growth should be large. Small trees with many branches are a treasure, one is to choose the right branches among many branches to cultivate the backbone; second, a large number of branches and a large number of leaves can improve the light and ability to rapidly expand the crown; third, at the same time, you can make full use of auxiliary branches to moderate the tree's potential, and promote its early fruit, early yield. To young trees more branches, in addition to increasing fertilizer, pruning volume to be small, to implement the pruning principles of light cutting less thinning, more branches left. 

Entering the fruiting period of large trees, if the amount of branches is too large, it is not conducive to production. Fruiting period, the amount of branches of large trees is too much, it is easy to cause the tree dense, seriously affecting the ventilation and light. One of the main manifestations of the current dense orchard is the amount of mu branches too large. Mature orchard mu branch amount how much is appropriate? Assuming an output of 4,000 kilograms per mu, 5 apples count as one kilogram, then only 20,000 apples per mu are needed: assuming that every three branches bear an apple, only 60,000 branches are needed to fully meet the needs. Therefore, experts suggest that the amount of branches in apple orchards should generally be between 60,000 and 80,000. How many branches are there in our dense orchards? According to the survey, the amount of mu branches more than 100,000 ordinary. 

Therefore, in winter pruning, the dense crowded branches, overlapping branches, disease and insects, aging branches should be timely cleanup or renewal.

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